
Lakyn Lind

Hello all! I am Lakyn Lind from Rushford, MN or Eldora, IA depending on the day! I am the Director of Marketing & Sales for the Genuine JBH Podcast. I grew up on a small beef and swine operation in SE
Minnesota. 13 years ago, we phased out of the swine industry and put our focus towards Purebred Hereford and Red Angus cattle. That being said, I am a proud, 3rd generation Hereford breeder! Within the last year and a half, I have learned to appreciate the show steer side of the business thanks to my better half Ryan Mesch. Safe to say, there
is enough room in my heart for both breeding heifers and market animals!

I currently work full time as a Territory Sales Manager for Norbrook, Inc. traveling throughout MN, SD, ND and WI. At Norbrook, we strive to offer cost-effective, alternative antibiotics for both beef and swine producers while working with their veterinarian and current protocols.

In my spare time, I enjoy exhibiting and attending cattle shows, spoiling my nieces and nephews and traveling with my girlfriends
wherever the wind blows us. I am beyond excited for this opportunity and to be joining the JBH team! I look forward to meeting other
livestock producers and to be able to strategize a plan to help their businesses grow and succeed by utilizing such unique advertising like the Genuine JBH podcast.